2600+ PowerPoint Presentation Slide Templates, Pitch Deck, Slide Deck Presentation Templates

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2600+ PowerPoint Presentation Slide Templates to support your creative workflow and projects. You can open and edit templates in Microsoft PowerPoint and MacOS Keynote.

Buy it once and you can use it forever. You don't need a subscription or renewal.

Purchase this template for only $7 for a personal license, and $14 for a commercial license.


PowerPoint Presentation Slide Templates

Slide Deck Templates

Pitch Deck Templates

Multipurpose Slide Templates

Contact: creativa.studio99@gmail.com

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You'll get 2600+ Presentation Slide Templates editable for your project! After payment, you can download 2600+ of these templates directly.

Total Slides
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Total Size
6.67 GB
PowerPoint (.pptx)
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2600+ PowerPoint Presentation Slide Templates, Pitch Deck, Slide Deck Presentation Templates

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